The idea of Dogging was derived from the clause “walking the dog.” In the real sense, what happens while many “walk their dogs” is sexual fun in cars and public places. Public sex is an entirely different form of sexual experience. Public sex experience in Australia, like what obtains in virtually all other countries globally where public sex is practiced, is a form of an outdoor sexual escapade in which other people participate, either as part of the sex actors or as ordinary onlookers. This may seem like something absurd, but you will fall in love with it if you give it just a trial.
Melbourne gives you an opportunity to transform your sexual experience like never before. If for example, your sexual experience had not been as interesting as it had ever been, it is high time you gave public sex a try. You will love the experience like none other.
If your sex life has been boring lately, why not give public sex a chance? It will transform your experience as nothing else will do. If your girlfriend is not so much disposed to sex like before, public sex can help change her orientation entirely and make her desire sex more. Public sex experience can reawaken the sexual animalistic desire in her and make her ask for sex anytime and anywhere. Call it a magical solution to low libido, and you will not be far from the truth.
If your wife or girlfriend is not disposed to the idea of having sex in public places for other people to watch, not to worry; you can get other girls that will not mind having such an experience with you. These girls understand all about public sex and have been involved in it in the past, which means they are predisposed to give you a sexual desire like never before. They are willing to go dogging with you wherever you may want to have the public sex experience. No need to plead or appeal to these girls as public sex has become more of a hobby to many of them. The fact that they have been involved in public sex in the dark for a very long time also means they are experienced in sexual activities to give you a wowing sexual experience while public sex. They can make you experience what your girlfriend might have failed in giving you.
Be that as it may, these girls are ever disposed to following your leadings; if you only need them for a fling, they are ever disposed to play along and never get in the way of you and your wife or girlfriend. They are always there when you want them to come out for public sex, and they are also ready to disappear from the scene when you do not want them around any more. These are just some of the factors making the public sex girls very interesting and impressive. Public sex is an erotic fantasy you do not want to pass on. The idea of being watched while you have sex with your casual or steady girlfriend has a touch of invigoration to it that will make you ask for more. Instead of imagining how it can go, why not just give it a try and get down to the real thing? You will fall in love with the outcome; you and the girl with whom you have the public sex experience may even become steady at the end of the day, enabling you to give each other mind blowing sex every time and ever after.
Locations in Australia
Australia is relatively big, the sixth biggest in the world. As a result, it has many sites scattered all over the place. Each of the regions in this country has a sizeable number of places for public sex. In this section, you will be informed about the number of sites available for public sex in each region in Australia.
• Australian Capital Territory: There are up to 25 places scattered across this region for public sex.
• New South Wales: There are up to 269 places in this region, and much more are being discovered almost daily.
• Northern Territory: This region has up to 12 locations for public sex with many other new places being discovered
• Queensland: This region is also not left behind, and doggers will never be disappointed, as they will have access to up to 302 locations where they can satisfy their public sex urges.
• South Australia: There are up to 138 locations in this region for public sex.
• Tasmania: The region has up to 53 locations for public sex; needless to say that many more places are being added almost daily.
• Victoria: You can get your most desired public sex experience in up to 253 locations in this region.
• Western Australia: Up to 97 locations are available for public sex in this region.
Important factors to consider
While public sex can be a sweet experience, it can also have its downsides. Be that as it may, you can avoid all the downsides associated with public sex only if you can follow some of the guidelines given below before going out to “walk your dog.” If you are a newbie, you will find the hints given below to be very helpful since they will hold you by the hands and show you the thread, making you able to hold you own during public sex escapade with any girl you choose to have it with. The information here is not only useful for the male counterpart; the girl is going out on a public sex date for the first time will also find the information very useful and informative. Even if you have had one or two public sex experiences in the past, you can add to your experience further and become better at public sex.
Telling her about it
If you have been rummaging over the fantasy of public sex with your wife or girlfriend for a very long time, a time will come when you will have to tell them and see what their reactions will be. It can be difficult telling her what you feel or desire, but you have got to do it one way or the other. Do not spring a surprise at her about dogging in Australia; bring up the issue little by little. It may take some time for her to accede, but she will cooperate if you are consistent, persistent and systematic about your desires.
Start by asking her what she would want to do or what is her wildest expectations or desires and watch her tell her tales. You may find out that she too is into the idea of public sex. If she never mentioned such a thing while telling you what she wants, you can then take centre stage and tell her what your wildest desires are for the two of you; this is the perfect opportunity to hint at this idea and tell her the sweet sides of stories.
She may not fancy the idea at the initial stage, but systematically and consistently mentioning it will make her yield and give in to the idea.
Getting a girl online
The above method may trigger her interest. But if she failed to yield despite a lot of effort and after a very long time, you can just forget about trying to convince her and look elsewhere for your public sex partner. The internet is among the best places to search for public sex partners. Many websites offer dogging online opportunities for those who are interested in hooking up with someone who would go on public sex dating with them. Virtually all the girls available on such websites are already primed towards public sex and they will go with you wherever you want to go on public sex; many of them are also ready to yield to anything you want during the public sex. While your wife or regular girlfriend may not be disposed to certain things during public sex, these online girls would not place any restriction on you. It may be better to go for online girls straight off instead of trying to convince your girlfriend or wife to go on public sex with you.
However, not all the websites are reliable and not all the girls can be trusted to fulfil their ends of the bargain; this is why you must be very careful when looking for the right girl and the right website when venturing into Perth. Before you hook up with any of the girls on any of these websites, first read reviews about the websites and the girls offering public sex service on them. Find out how long the website had been in operation before you hook up with any of the girls there. Those websites that had been around for more than five years can be trusted to provide you with some of the best public sex experiences. While a website that is not as old as five years may also provide the required service perfectly, such websites are rarely reliable since they have not been properly proven.
Aside from investigating the sites, it is also essential to investigate the girls that are offering public sex services on such a website. The girls will expectedly have a varying degree of public sex experiences; while some of them might have been into public sex for several years, some other ones may just be new in it. Those girls that had been into public sex for a longer period will have more experience in it and can give you some of the best public sex experiences of your life. The new girls may not have the expertise to provide similar services. It is always better to hook up with the more experienced girls for a beautiful public sex experience.
How much to pay
Some websites do not charge you for public sex; you can hook up with random girls on such a website and start having fun. However, some other websites charge you before you are permitted to hook up with any of the girls on such a website. The free service is very good, and it enables you to save your hard earned money. It has been discovered, however, that many of the free services are not as qualitative as paid services. Also, there is no security or assurance about the girls. Those websites offering paid services do go the extra mile to properly investigate each of the girls on their platforms before allowing such girls to register accounts with them. This way, there is assurance that you will never have a problem with any of the girls.
Many of the paid websites also regulate prices and this ensures the client searching for public sex partner does not end up paying through the nose. The reverse is the case on web sites offering free public sex services; each of the girls on such websites is working as freelancers, and they have the liberty to charge anything they deem fit. As a result, they can charge too high at times. You are always better off patronizing the paid sites than the free ones. Yes, it will cost you some initial amount, but you will end up getting good value for your money.
Safety during public sex
Your safety is paramount during public sex. After settling all issues regarding the girl to take out on public sex dating, the next step involves choosing the right location for public sex. There are several places you can choose from depending on where you reside in Australia. Before you choose any of the locations in your region, first read up security reports about such a place to be sure nothing will go wrong while you are having your public sex fun with your girlfriend or fling. While it is good to choose a rather secluded place, you should also be careful not to choose an extremely secluded place.
Do not forget that public sex is an illegal practice in Australia and the authorities do frown at doggers; they can also arrest you if they find you engaging in public sex. Security operatives do frequent some areas at night, but many of the preferred locations are free of these security agents from 11 p.m. As a result, you can have public sex fun from around 11 pm upward. Be that as it may, you should be ready to break it off when it gets to the early hours of the morning as patrolling security agents may come around in those early hours on a routine check.
Items for public sex
When going on public sex, below are some of the items to get ready
• Condom
• Blanket or mattress
• Latex surgery gloves
• Dental Dams
• Lube or Vaseline
• Pillow
• Flash light with extra batteries
• Plenty of baby wipes, tissues, and paper towels
• Sanitizing gels
• Plastic bags
When you finish with public sex, make sure you clean up the entire place and leave no traces for anyone to discover in the morning what might have occurred in that place the night before.
Public sex is fun, as described extensively in this write-up. However, you can make it even more interesting by following the guidelines laid bare before you in this write-up.