There are several dogging sites in Australia, and everyone is welcome to have fun. While you are free to watch as people have sex in the open, you will need to be invited before you can join them and have a share of sexual enjoyment. Dogging is an informal activity, but several unwritten rules and laws guide dogging in Australia and everyone visiting dogging venues are expected to bear this rule in mind so that your presence at the sites will not annoy others, who have also come to have fun. Following the rules will prevent you from behaving out of order at locations.
Dogging takes place at night at most of the dogging sites in Australia. This is because most of these dogging sites are public places where people frequent during the day, like motor parks, gardens roadsides, beaches and so on. An excellent example is the Shelley Beach Carpark and the Salt Pan Creek. In the remaining part of this write-up, we will consider a couple of things you must take good note of while preparing for dogging.
Get the right partner
The girl must be willing to go dogging with you. Bear in mind that dogging is a different way to have sex, and not all women will be given to the idea of having sex in the open, especially with voyeurs watching you. When discussing with a prospective dogging partner, especially if that girl has never done dogging before, you must clearly explain what dogging entails to her so that both of you can be on the same page while the dogging is going on.
Finding a dogging partner is not easy. You cannot pick a random girl on the street for dogging; it is not possible, and it can be hazardous. You should instead go to places dedicated to that purpose to get a girl willing to go on dogging with you. You can check online forums that discuss dogging in Australia when searching for a dogging partner. You can also send a request in public places, and any girl interested in dogging will contact you. Furthermore, you can discuss with a trustworthy friend or carry out an online partner search.
You must be very careful when searching for dogging partners online. Many of the girls may look like angels, but they are rarely what they claim to be. It is, therefore, important to properly investigate these girls before you choose any of them as dogging partners.
Properly investigate the dogging location
One other thing to do is to do while preparing for dogging is to investigate the dogging sites before visiting the place properly. You should study that dogging location in Australia to find out if the area is secure. You should think twice before visiting dogging sites that are too remote or too far from town. This is even more important if you do not have your own means of transportation. You are better off at nearby dogging venue than remote ones. If things go wrong and you need to run for dear life, you will not have a problem getting back to town and the comfort of your home if the dogging site is not too far.
Before you visit that dogging site for fun, take some time to study the place. Find out if other routes lead to that dogging location. Multiple directions mean that you can find several escape routes if things go south. You should take a mental note of those escape routes so that you can know where to turn if things fail to go as planned.
Prepare for protection
While planning for dogging in Australia, do not forget to prepare for your protection. Failure to protect yourself may expose you to sexually transmitted diseases. You must use protection especially if you are dogging with a stranger, bearing in mind that you do not know the medical history of that strange woman and do not know if she has any sexually transmitted disease or not. This is an excellent reason to protect yourself during dogging with a stranger.
The girl may look clean and healthy, but this does not mean she may not have one form of STD or another. Bear in mind that sexually transmitted diseases do not start manifesting immediately on the infected person. If the infection is in the window period, for example, it will not show any sign on the infected person.
Make sure you buy a condom when preparing for dogging in Australia. You may need more than one condom. As a result, it is better to buy a pack of condom. If you do not finish using them, you can save the remaining for later. Do not expect her to come with a condom as she may fail to go with one. A condom does prevent not only sexually transmitted diseases but also prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Get lubricants
Aside from condom, you also need to buy lubricants while preparing for dogging in Australia. You also should buy a large quantity so that you can be adequately supplied with lubricants while dogging. Most Australian doggers prefer KY Jelly when buying lubricants. With lubricants, your woman will feel less pain during the sexual encounter and her virginal area will not be bruised. Bear in mind that virginal bruises can expose her to several infections. If not managed properly, the virus can become something worse.
Proper conduct
You must conduct yourself properly while dogging. You do not have to take things too fast. Taking things slowly as a woman will help you to retain your dignity before, during and after the entire dogging activity. You should know and maintain your limits as a woman. You should also state your preferences correctly and make it clear to your partner.
Learn to draw the line and caution your partner not to cross that line for any reason. You should respect yourself, and the other person will have no other choice than to respect you in return. You should also look to your behaviour and make sure that you are kind to everyone at the dogging site, both your dogging partner and the voyeurs. You should see everyone as partners, and you should show them respect. Even if you do not want the voyeurs too watch you or participate, you should tell them respectfully.
What the law says
You need to understand what the law says about dogging before you ever venture into it. The Australian law does not support dogging; you need to keep this in mind. This means that dogging is an illegal activity in Australia. Since this is the case, you must never allow yourself to be caught by the authority. If not, you may be arrested for causing a public nuisance.
Avoid giving your real name
It is not safe or proper to give people your real name while dogging. Instead, you should give them a different name since this helps to maintain your privacy. First off, virtually all those participating in dogging are not using their real names. You also must use a different identity since you are dealing with strangers.
Make sure you keep your relationship with the other doggers as minimal as possible. Avoid getting too personal with any of the dogging partners. Some of the doggers may have a criminal background, and this can negatively affect you. Make sure that your association with them is limited to the dogging site. You can equally prevent unwanted attention if you do not give out your real name to other doggers. When relating with other doggers, give them your pet name and also make sure that the pet name has no association with your real name.
Keep your valuables away
When going for dogging, you should avoid taking your valuables along with you. If care is not accepted, you may lose your valuables. You can either leave these valuable items at home or look for a safe place at the dogging site to hide them pending the time you will finish dogging. While keeping those valuables, make sure they are adequately maintained so that no one can see them. You may not believe it, but some of the doggers only came to rob. Some of them may be bandits and thieves, and they may steal your valuables without your knowledge.
Other things too take along for dogging
Aside from condom and lubricant, you should also take along a blanket; it is not funny at all to have sex on the bare floor. You can also bring a pillow along to make the dogging process a lot easier for you. If you like, you can even bring your air mattress if you so desire. You should also take a flashlight along with you while going for dogging. Never forget to bring extra batteries along with you too. The torch will help you to see clearly in a secluded or dark area. Also take along plenty of tissues, paper towels, and baby wipes. Also, you should take along plastic bags where you can throw away everything you want to dispose of after the dogging activity.